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A senior rep is a student in their senior year of high school who chooses to represent only one photography business until graduation. In exchange for representing Justine Williams Photography through social media and word of mouth, you will receive FREE photo shoots and digital images, along with the additional perks on the next slide.  

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  • One mini session up to 30 minutes, 5 digital images from this session to start marketing on social media
  • One classic 45 minute session, 15 digital images
  • Senior Rep Group Shoot: This is a grand finale shoot as a team! Typically in early to mid- May when everyone has received their caps and gowns from their school. We will highlight gowns and college tees or whatever path you've chosen for yourself post-high school!
  • Assistance with creating any digital ads, reels, or stories with your senior images
  • $25 cash for each new client who books a full photo session (classic, premium, or beyond stills) and mentions/notates your name when booking. A referred senior must mention your name for you to receive the $25 cash. Cash will only be issued when a referred senior’s session is complete and all fees are paid in a timely manner by the referred senior

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  • You must be a graduating senior from Class of 2025 and attend a high school within or close to the Cypress area
  • You must Like” & “Follow” Justine Williams Photography on all social media.
  • Spread the word about Justine Williams Photography on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat and refer your friends.
  • Post your images frequently on social media

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No, as a senior representative for Justine Williams Photography, you must exclusively promote and share photos from Justine Williams Photography until your contract ends. Shooting with other portrait/senior photographers is not allowed and will result in termination of the contract and its benefits. If your school requires a specific photographer for yearbook photos, you may use them only for that purpose, but you cannot share those images on social media. You and your parents must agree to these terms and conduct yourselves positively while representing Justine Williams Photography.

Are You Ready to be a Senior Rep?

Thank you for your interest in the Justine Williams Photography Senior Rep program. Portraits are a great way to remember this time in your life, and that is why I think it is so important that high school seniors choose a photographer who really cares about bringing out what is unique and fun about YOU! I am excited for this year's group of senior reps to get started and represent Justine Williams Photography.

Once you have reviewed all four slides with details above please fill out the application. Since spaces are limited, use the application to show me why you would be a great addition to my team. If you have any questions, please email me before filling out the application at justine@justinewilliamsphotography.com.

Application deadline is August 31, 2024.